Cobnut Chocolate on the way!

Here at Roughway Farm we are partial to the odd piece of chocolate and it has been our long held ambition to launch a range of chocolate bars that are simply jam packed with our delicious cobnuts!

Our ambition to launch a cobnut chocolate bar is however one step closer. Working with our excellent partner and Kentish chocolatier Cocoa Belle we have been testing Kentish cobnut chocolate bars (a hard task!) with the aim of developing a product that we hope our loyal customers will absolutely love.

Our initial bars will be made with a premium dark chocolate with crushed and whole roasted cobnuts. After we have launched these we aim to develop a range introducing new and exciting flavours.

The full product launch will be some way off yet as we are developing our methods of roasting so that the bars are viable and easy to produce. We are also testing packaging options to make sure we can successfully sell our bars online. We aim to keep our customers up to date with the project and would be happy to hear your ideas for exciting chocolate combinations.

Watch this space!

Roughway Farm Team