Looking for Waitrose Cobnuts?

For a considerable number of years we have been privileged to supply our Kentish Cobnuts to Waitrose.

Unfortunately, this year we don’t think we are supplying Waitrose Cobnuts. However, if you are still looking for Kent Cobnuts we sell our Kentish Cobnuts direct on our website. We sell our cobs from September all the way up to December.

We keep the cobnuts nice and cold when picked so the kernels stay fresh and milky.

You can order a range of weights from 500g to 20kg. You can also sample different varieties, such as Kent, Gunslebert, Butler and Ennis Cobnuts.

So if you can’t find any Cobnuts in Waitrose this season then head over to the shop and order a bundle directly from us.

We hope to be able to supply Waitrose with Cobnuts again next year so keep your eyes peeled in 2023.

Freshly Picked Cobnts in from the fields 2022