Kent Cobnut Trees (Bare Root / Small Pot)


Planting ‘Bare Root’ Kent Cobnut Trees –  Orders for 1 to 4  Kent Cobnut Trees

We now have a number of  Kent Cobnut trees  (Bare Root / Small pots) available.These are ideal for planting and producing high yielding trees. Many garden centers currently sell seedling trees and these usually yield very few cobnuts. These trees are the same trees that we grow on the farm and if properly maintained should produce a good crop of Kent Cobnuts.

These trees are on their own roots, not grafted. Grafted trees are usually grafted on to seedling root stocks. Care must be taken not to use any shoots growing below the union as this stem growth will not crop true to variety. However with its own roots whether trained as a single stem ‘goblet shape tree’ or as a traditional ‘multi-stem tree’, any suitable growth stem may be used to form the desired shape of the tree.

The trees do vary in size and shape but are generally between 30cm and a meter. The trees are delivered in a cardboard box and have a plastic around the root. The stalks may be cut for shipping. We cannot guarantee the size of the trees selected for delivery.


On Arrival:

We advise watering the root and planting promptly into the ground or into a large pot for later planting if required. The pot should have room to allow further root growth. The tree will need a healthy watering over the first few days.

The aim after this point will be to manage the growth of branches. These should be allowed to form at least 60cm from the ground.

A useful pruning and management guide is available from the Kent Cobnut Association. Click Here

Other information can be found online.


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