Kentish Cobnut Oral History Project

The Kentish Cobnuts Association is launching an Oral History project on Kentish Cobnuts. The project aims to capture the history of cobnuts in Kent and the United Kingdom.

Tom Cannon, Treasurer of the Kentish Cobnuts Association, said “there is a lot of knowledge out there, particularly among older generations who remember different periods of the industry. It is important that this unique and invaluable knowledge is captured”

The KCA would like to hear from anyone who has knowledge on cobnuts and would like to share their memories and experiences. Themes and topics are very widespread and the committee encourages those interested to get in touch:

Topics can include but are not limited to:

  • Picking and harvesting cobnuts
  • Growing and establishing cobnut trees / plats
  • Methods of farming
  • Selling and marketing cobnuts
  • Historic uses for cobnuts and hazel wood
  • Old cobnut trees (Trees can often be identified by large gnarled bases with large cropping wooden branches coming out of this wooden base)
  • Cobnut related antiques, trinkets and collectables


Kent Cobnut Association (KCA) Logo