New Research: Nuts Lower Mortality Rates

New Research reveals that a handful of nuts can save your life

A recent study by the Maastricht University in Holland has revealed a link between nut consumption and lower mortality rates.

The comprehensive piece of research has been running since 1986 and has involved more than 120 000 men and women. The researched discovered that 10 grams of nuts a day led to a 23% lower chance of death.

The BBC reports that “the premature mortality risk due to cancer, diabetes, respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases was lower among the nut consumers”.

Interestingly there was a 30% decline in diabetes, 39% respiratory disease and 45% for neurodegenerative disease. The results of this latest study confirm a number of other studies that have been conducted in the USA and Asia.

At Roughway Farm we have long appreciated Kent Cobnuts enjoying the fabulous taste and excellent nutritional profile. Indeed, the average cobnut is a good source of protein, is high in calcium and also contains vitamins E, B1 and B6. The Daily Telegraph has compiled a list of The Best Nut Recipes’.

Learn more about Kent Cobnuts by watching BBC Countryfile's visit to Roughway Farm: Watch Here

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